How does this product make you feel? "Grey, the shade, makes me feel neutral. Grey has too many shades to get specific with, but overall, grey makes me feel like I'm apart of something but have a hidden position that is influenced by the harmony of black and white. Enough about the shade. A V-neck t-shirt design mimics the human torso. It slightly reveals a person's goods. When I wear a grey V-neck tee I feel that I am wearing my heart on both sides of a field. I am in between things. Grey is a powerful shade that says a person is in transition in understanding life. We're always in transition, however there is a process happening with me, is what this shade is saying." Where do you wear this? "I go out to museums, exhibitions, and places where I am inspired. I don't go out on dates, restaurant evenings, and shopping wearing grey. Places where I am collecting vital information for my transition is where i'm wearing grey. It says I am observing the world before I dive into it."
What it pairs well with? "A grey V-neck pairs well with grey, blue, or white jeans. Neck wear that accentuates one's chest, preferably metal and silver and leather jewelery looks amazing with a Grey V."
The effect of this attire? "Its sexy and semi-balanced. You are a spectator but you are daring. You think things through and maintain an attractiveness while doing so. Your heart isn't guarded with a V-neck."
Day or Night, Why? Day time.
How do you recommend this attire? "I recommend this for those who aren't into looking for so much energy and attention to be attracted towards them, but to develop their own energy centered around themselves "Intro-centric". This is for those whom are self-aware of their great looks, but want to contentment with their own company. I definitely recommend single people to wear grey. Grey is an inner celebration."