Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Blue Print

The truth about jeans isn't the infamous blue stains they leave on your linen sofa, sneakers, and tees or for those whom sweat very heavily, your thighs. The truth about jeans are that they are easy to make but are difficult to make the right fit for the right form. Both men and women have a challenge in finding the right jeans. "Do these jeans make my butt look big?" isn't just something women ask. The question should be if whether the jeans make your butt look great. Unlike most women, men have waistlines that are narrow. There are all sorts of dilemmas and factors that need to be taken into account when designing for men's waist, crotch, butt, and leg length. If there was some solution to this afflicting flurry we wouldn't be bothered by how much a pair of good jeans cost. I'll take this blue print back to the boys in the lab to examine.


_K. Selects